
Letters: Clubs embrace relationships

1 min read Letters
I enjoyed Paul Oginsky's article (Youth Work Now, May) but I do take issue with the point that Myplace projects fail to recognise the importance of relationships in youth work.

Bolton Lads & Girls Club is a modern and successful youth club. Well over 2,300 young people visit the club every week, we have 80 paid staff and more than 350 volunteers. The relationships which develop between staff and young people are the very essence of our work.

Jeremy Glover, chief executive, Bolton Lads & Girls Club

No more quality indicators

Although it is paramount that children's and youth charities offer a high quality service, there is risk of confusing the system if a further benchmark of quality is required (cypnow.co.uk, 18 May).

The Adolescent and Children's Trust (Tact) is the first fostering and adoption service, and second charity in the country, to recently receive the government's Customer Service Excellence award. Ofsted reports show that all of Tact's offices meet either of Ofsted's excellent or good standards.

There is no need to add to the range of service quality indicators already available. Children's charities seeking to impress with the quality of their services should think about what is already available.

Kevin Williams, chief executive, Tact

Progress in ending poverty

It's pleasing to see that local authorities such as Newcastle City Council are tackling the very important issue of child poverty head on (CYP Now, 14-20 May).

We at Tower Hamlets are also aiming to help local families who are struggling, and have recently launched our Child Poverty Strategy.

It is an extremely challenging task but we have already made significant progress and, like Newcastle and Cornwall, have been awarded Beacon Status for our efforts to tackle child poverty.

Child poverty is everyone's business, and we are committed to working with health agencies and our other partners to make sure all families have the same access to opportunities and the chance to achieve their full potential.

Kevan Collins, director of children's services, Tower Hamlets Council

- The editor, Children & Young People Now, 174 Hammersmith Road, London W6 7JP, cypnow@haymarket.com 020 8267 4706

-Letters should include an address and phone number. All letters may be edited for publication.

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