BACK PAGE: And this is what I do - Nina O'Farrell, youth officer,Unicef UK

Wednesday, December 3, 2003

What is the job all about? Getting young people involved in Unicef's work in the UK. It is about interesting and engaging them in international issues, involving them in our organisational structures, organising events and discussing and implementing their rights as laid down in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Most importantly, it is about implementing Article 12 of the convention, ensuring that children and young people have the right to say what they think.

Who is in your meetings? Young people, Unicef fundraisers and campaigners, other organisations involving young people.

What is a typical day? Responding to queries, organising roadshows, designing materials, attending briefings and school or youth group sessions and contributing articles for our youth web site www.therightssite.

What projects are you working on at the moment? We are holding roadshows across the country. We held our first one on 15 November. I am working with a group of children and young people focusing on peer education around the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. I am also focusing on developing our web site.

How did you get the job? I was a member of Article 12 - a youth-led organisation that promotes young people's rights - from the age of 14 and have been involved in a lot of voluntary youth work. I completed an MSc in International Relations last year because I wanted to work on children's rights in an international context.

Best things about the job? The international element and putting children's rights in the UK into the bigger picture. Writing materials with and for young people.

And the worst? Convincing everybody that involving young people is worthwhile.

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