Television and the media

Gayle Mather
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I would get them to think about how they portray young parents and stop being so negative about them.

I found out that I was pregnant at the beginning of Year 11. School was difficult enough for me because I learn through doing, not sitting around listening. I was worried about what people thought of me back then, and the idea of going to school proved too much for me.

When you're a young mum, people on the high street look at you; they forget that you're a human being and have feelings too.

I didn't want to give up on my education, but I couldn't find a college that would let me tailor my learning around looking after my daughter Mia, until I started on a Rathbone course.

We're trying to get a work placement at a florists - even though I prefer being sent flowers to looking after them.

I am really creative and have been decorating Mia's room. All I want to do is provide for my beautiful girl and it would help if there were more positive role models on television.

That way, society might be less cruel and put the needs of young mums first.

Do you know a child or young person who could tell adults a thing or two? Email or call her on 020 8267 4918

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