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Putting the Care Pledge into Practice

  • Wednesday, April 27, 2022
  • | CYP Now
To mark the third anniversary of the Care Experienced Conference, which led to the creation of a care pledge, those involved reflect on how the key messages have influenced policy and practice.

Therapeutic Communities: Policy context

  • Tuesday, March 1, 2022
  • | CYP Now
The term “therapeutic” – at least in the way commissioning specifications set out – focuses on the direct work of a therapist in weekly sessions with a child. While this important technical component has its place, it is only one limited element. In order for residential care, fostering, education or supported housing to be “therapeutic” something more is needed.

Therapeutic Communities: Special Report

There has been a recent rise in interest from policymakers and commissioners in the important role therapeutic communities play in supporting some of the most traumatised children and young people.

How music therapy supports children in therapeutic settings

  • Tuesday, March 1, 2022
  • | CYP Now
Music therapy is one of the innovative interventions central to the Coram Creative Therapies and Parenting Service. It supports a range of children and young people, particularly when they might not be able to engage in talking therapies and a more creative, strengths-based approach is needed.

Residential Care: Special Report

  • Tuesday, November 30, 2021
  • | CYP Now
Latest figures show a growth in the number of residential children’s care homes, but local authorities continue to report problems in finding sufficient care placements to meet the needs of young people.

Residential Care: Demand, supply and sufficiency

  • Tuesday, November 30, 2021
  • | CYP Now
Department for Education figures published in November show that 14 per cent of the 80,850 children looked after by local authorities live in residential care settings, the same proportion as the year before.

Profit Making and Risk in Independent Children’s Social Care Placement Providers

Local authorities in England spend more than £2bn a year buying fostering and children's homes services alone from private and voluntary sector organisations (collectively referred to as the independent sector). Local authorities themselves continue to provide most foster placements, but around two in every five foster placements are made with independent sector providers. In children's homes the reverse is true. Here, three in every four placements are made in the independent sector.

Children's Homes Research

The concerns of London local authorities in meeting sufficiency duties described in the first study and the severity of this in relation to residential children's homes, are recognised as a theme across the country. This study was commissioned by the LGA to look at the policies, barriers, and facilitators for local authorities and smaller independent providers in establishing children's homes.

Children's Care Commissioning Special Report

Commissioners of children's services are key to ensuring vulnerable young people get the right placements. CYP Now's special report looks at the latest developments, academic research and examples of best practice.

Review of Sufficiency Strategies in London

Demand for children's services has been increasing nationally in recent years. Changing demographics and evolving complexity of needs are also exerting cost pressures on local authorities. At the same time suitable accommodation is in short supply in the regulated children's homes sector and there are concerns about the increased use of unregulated placements. The situation is particularly acute in London.

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