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Rethinking job titles

Job descriptions and titles play a huge role in what we expect of professionals and how they perform. Unleash staff’s untapped potential by reconsidering titles that restrict their ability to work effectively.

Inspections Clinic: Return of Ofsted visits Q&A

Ofsted has announced a phased return to on-site inspection, which got under way last month. National director for regulation and social care Yvette Stanley answers questions on what this means for services.

Children’s Mental Health Special Report

Children’s mental health has long been characterised by long waiting lists and inconsistent provision, but it is hoped more funding, system reorganisation and policy measures will improve access to support.

The language of children’s services

Like many other sectors, children’s services use a lot of jargon but there is concern some common terms risk stigmatising children, young people and families. Charlotte Goddard investigates.

Birmingham Children’s Trust: Three years in

Following a decade of poor performance, England’s largest children’s services department moved to a trust model in 2018. Charlotte Goddard speaks to key people about whether the move has paid off.

Family court improvement forum

Louise Sims, kinship care and fostering consultant at CoramBAAF, discusses the benefits of Quality Circle, an innovative forum to identify good practice developed by the Sussex Family Justice Board.

Secure children’s homes: Inspections Clinic

Secure children’s homes cater for some of the most vulnerable children but there is a serious shortage of placements. Jo Stephenson looks at how good partnerships and staff levels are key to inspection outcomes.

Digital Innovation in Social Care: Special Report

The pandemic has required children’s social care to embrace digital means to maintain vital support. Here, experts set out how this can be built on to improve how services meet children and families’ needs.

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