
The Budget

1 min read Youth Work Participation
If I were in charge of the Budget, I would try to present a fair deal for all sectors of society, including the poor and the elderly.

One of my main areas of focus would be on funding for new jobs and training for young people. I think further education and a skilled workforce is the key to a strong future UK economy. I believe that despite the difficult times we're in, funding of university places should remain a priority for the government.

I won a competition run by the Citizenship Foundation to meet the Chancellor, after writing my speech for the Budget. One of the policies I would like to see created would be to find ways of meeting our global responsibility to combat climate change. The UK has agreed to emission targets, as a member of the Kyoto protocol.

I would support the carbon trading scheme, which puts a limit on the emission of pollutants, but allows companies within that limit to sell credits to companies with higher emissions. I would also invest in low-carbon transport projects and introduce allowances for electric vehicles that help meet emission targets.

Do you know a child or young person who could tell adults a thing or two? Email ross.watson@haymarket.com or call him on 020 8267 4703

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