My Life: Igor Jesus, 19, London

Igor Jesus
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am a Dare Londoner, which means I am a part of London Youth's youth advisory board, and I also sit on its trustee board.

Igor Jesus: "I feel more confident about what I have to offer and my future"
Igor Jesus: "I feel more confident about what I have to offer and my future"

All of the Dare Londoners come from London Youth member clubs, so it's great that we get to work together and share ideas and experiences about how life really is for young people. At London Youth, young people are genuinely a part of the decision-making – we have a say in everything they do. It feels good to have people listening and valuing what we have to say.

Since I became involved with London Youth back in 2011, I've gone from being a shy young boy who left school with no qualifications and no idea of what I wanted to do with my life, to a confident young man with dreams I know I can achieve.

I'm now working at a nursery, after-school club and a youth club to support other young people and children to find what they are good at and enjoy.

This is in fact where it all started for me. It was my local youth club in Stockwell – Stewarts Road Adventure Playground – that linked me up with London Youth.

Because of organisations like London Youth, I feel more confident about what I have to offer and my future. I still have lots more to learn, but have already discovered that I'd like youth work to be my career so that I can help other young people like me fulfil their potential.

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