

1 min read Letters
Much has been said and done about equality, community cohesion and social inclusion - but is it enough, and has the emphasis been right? What about social mobility? (CYP Now, 7-13 May)

My generation was blessed: Parker Morris standard public housing, great state schools, NHS hospitals and the chance for working-class youngsters to get to university. Recently, I sat with my pal since school days. The 1950s and 60s were pretty good times, we concluded. Only eight per cent of 18-year-olds went to university in 1970, as we did. It's nearly 50 per cent now. But have we focused too much on equality? Isn't the bigger carrot mobility?

Sir Bill Taylor



I was happy to see CYP Now publish sexual health resources for professionals and young people. I am sceptical, however, about the use of "baby bumps", out of context, to encourage better sexual health.

Artificial bumps could indeed be valuable learning tools for future parents, as they facilitate empathy.

In terms of sexual health, though, having young people wear them to discourage pregnancy seems short-sighted. The challenge for young people considering parenthood is to understand that it is a long-term and permanent commitment.

Young people should, of course, be supported to make informed decisions about contraception and pregnancy. But encouraging discussions about what happens after pregnancy, and not just about pregnancy itself, is crucial.

Kate Gilbert, project worker, Education For Choice


While it is encouraging that the government recognises the needs of disabled children, we are disappointed that the Laming report and government response do not include any practical measures to address the specific social care needs of deaf children. Deaf children are more than three times more likely to experience abuse than their hearing peers, and there are barriers to the effective safeguarding of deaf children at all stages within the child protection process.

The government must act now to ensure all local safeguarding children boards review and publish their child protection arrangements for deaf children.

Jo Campion, head of campaigns, National Deaf Children's Society

- The editor, Children & Young People Now, 174 Hammersmith Road, London W6 7JP, cypnow@haymarket.com, 020 8267 4706

Letters should include an address and phone number. All letters may be edited for publication.

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