
Website to inform dyslexia review

1 min read Education Health
Sir Jim Rose, the government adviser leading a review into the primary curriculum, has launched a website asking for personal views and experiences from teachers, parents and children with dyslexia.
In May, children's secretary Ed Balls asked Rose to look at the identification and teaching of children with dyslexia and make recommendations to the Department for Children, Schools and Families.

Rose is using the new website to ask for views, as well as details of published research into dyslexia, to help with the review.

He said: "While research evidence is very important, I am eager to hear personal accounts and I would urge parents, teachers and children to have a look at my website and tell me what has worked well, and what has worked less well, to improve the progress made by children with dyslexia."

As part of the dyslexia review, Rose will be visiting schools that have displayed good practice and will use the website to provide updates on his progress.

The final report with his recommendations will be published by the end of February 2009.

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