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Inspections Clinic: Children’s home challenges

  • Tuesday, August 30, 2022
  • | CYP Now
Ofsted has published a series of research reports on the children’s home sector, providing insight into issues from a lack of suitable care placements to post-pandemic staffing shortages, finds Jo Stephenson.

Commissioning Care – Research evidence: Sufficiency report

This report provides analysis of all up-to-date local authority sufficiency strategies with a focus on identifying the main perceived challenges for councils to meet their sufficiency duty, what actions are being undertaken or planned to improve commissioning outcomes, and perceived negative consequences associated with using certain commissioning or market shaping approaches.

Commissioning Care: Special Report

Recommendations in the Care Review aim to improve co-ordination and management in the care market while driving down costs for councils, but some believe the proposals do not go far enough.

Therapeutic Communities: Policy context

  • Tuesday, March 1, 2022
  • | CYP Now
The term “therapeutic” – at least in the way commissioning specifications set out – focuses on the direct work of a therapist in weekly sessions with a child. While this important technical component has its place, it is only one limited element. In order for residential care, fostering, education or supported housing to be “therapeutic” something more is needed.

Therapeutic Communities: Special Report

There has been a recent rise in interest from policymakers and commissioners in the important role therapeutic communities play in supporting some of the most traumatised children and young people.

How music therapy supports children in therapeutic settings

  • Tuesday, March 1, 2022
  • | CYP Now
Music therapy is one of the innovative interventions central to the Coram Creative Therapies and Parenting Service. It supports a range of children and young people, particularly when they might not be able to engage in talking therapies and a more creative, strengths-based approach is needed.