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The London Borough of Lambeth

  • Tuesday, August 11, 2009
  • | CYP Now
What did it do? Lambeth Council ran a borough-wide competition to give pupils the chance to design their own menu for a healthy school meal. Pupils were asked to create a meat, fish or vegetarian main meal. They were expected to use fresh produce and each dish had to include a healthy portion of vegetables or salad and some sort of carbohydrate.

Gillespie Primary School, Islington, London

  • Tuesday, June 23, 2009
  • | CYP Now
What did they do? Gillespie Primary School has transformed the nursery and reception class section of its playground into a kitchen garden. The school has also built a raised play and learning platform to provide children with an outdoor learning space.

The Telford and Wrekin Youth Games

  • Tuesday, May 26, 2009
  • | CYP Now
What is it? The Telford and Wrekin Youth Games is a competitive sports day for local primary school children. But unlike most sports days, children take part in multi-skills activities, which test their balance and co-ordination, as opposed to traditional sports.

Ferndale Primary School, Great Barr, Sandwell

  • Tuesday, March 31, 2009
  • | CYP Now
What makes Ferndale an Eco-School? Pupils at eco-conscious Ferndale Primary were awarded the Eco-Schools green flag at the end of last year, which is a national award given to schools that are working towards becoming sustainable. The school also won the Tipton Litterwatch Environmental Schools Champion Award in summer 2008.

Bridge College, Stockport

  • Monday, August 23, 2010
  • | CYP Now
What did they do? Students from Bridge College in Stockport designed a garden for the Royal Horticultural Society's Tatton Park Flower Show. They were awarded a silver medal for their entry entitled The Rhythm of Bridge.

Mab Lane Primary School, Liverpool

  • Monday, June 28, 2010
  • | CYP Now
What did they do? Children at Mab Lane Primary School took part in an eco-themed week designed to teach them about the environment and sustainability.

Leicester College

  • Monday, May 17, 2010
  • | CYP Now
What are they doing? Students are being encouraged to challenge the stereotypes associated with different types of careers and industries as part of Leicester College's Aim Higher "Breaking the Mould" project.

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