
Social Care: Kent pledge to children in care

1 min read Social Care
Kent County Council has given a formal pledge to make care a positive experience for its looked-after children.

Its pledge has six themes: helping children feel they belong; making sure they have a consistent adult in their life; providing a good education; good memories for the future; preparation for adulthood; and people to champion their interests. The pledge can be fulfilled for instance by arranging a national insurance number and passport in time for a young person's 18th birthday, or helping them build a photo album of key people and places in their lives.

For children placed in the county by other councils, Kent has promised to work with the child's home local authority to meet the six themes.

Chris Wells, cabinet member for children, families and education standards at Kent County Council, said the authority had been working on its pledge since 2005.

"We have interpreted what young people told us they were interested in," he said.

Under the Care Matters white paper all local authorities have to make clear to all children in their care exactly what they are entitled to.

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