Project notes

Andy Hillier
Wednesday, November 19, 2003

What it is: SK8A Mobile is a mobile skatepark for young people in Canterbury.

Funding: The project costs 26,000 a year to run and is jointly funded by Canterbury City Council and Kent Children's Fund.

Goals: To encourage safe skating, provide a diversionary activity and give the council an opportunity for ongoing dialogue with local skaters.

It's been tough for young skateboarders in Canterbury. The cathedral city not only lacks a skatepark, but the local residents have been quick to air their grievances about young people performing tricks along the historic streets.

Suzi Wakeham, senior manager in community development at Canterbury City Council, says it looked like the problem could reach a flashpoint. "People kept writing to their councillors and calling the public safety office," she says. "The complaints were steadily increasing, so we knew we needed to do something and fast."

Recognising that the best long-term solution would be to build a permanent facility for skaters - something that would require time and significant investment - the local council set up a mobile skatepark project as a temporary measure.

After consulting young skaters in the area, a state-of-the art mobile kit comprising ramps, quarter pipes and grind rails was bought from Canada in June, and sessions were organised on Sundays at local ballparks and leisure centres.

The mobile skatepark has proved a hit, with around 600 young people attending.

"They've been really popular, especially with the younger users," says Wakeham.

The council has been particularly pleased with the way the project has allowed it to enter into an ongoing dialogue with local skaters. "They've been able to tell us exactly what they want, so when the facility opens next spring, it should be just how they want it," says Wakeham.

Chris Haydon, 13, from Whitstable, says: "The best thing about SK8A Mobile is not the ramps, although they're really good, but the positive attitude of other skaters and staff."

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