Stockport nursery worker guilty of baby’s manslaughter

Fiona Simpson
Monday, May 20, 2024

A Stockport nursery worker has been convicted of manslaughter over the death of a nine-month-old baby who was left strapped face-down to a beanbag for 90 minutes.

Kate Roughley was convicted following a trial at Manchester Crown Court. Picture: Debu55y/Adobe Stock
Kate Roughley was convicted following a trial at Manchester Crown Court. Picture: Debu55y/Adobe Stock

Kate Roughley, 37, was found guilty of manslaughter today (20 May) following a trial at Manchester Crown Court.

The court heard how Genevieve Meehan died after being left face down, tightly swaddled and strapped to a bean bag for more than 90 minutes at Tiny Toes nursery in Cheadle Hume in May last year.

Police and paramedics were called to the setting on 9 May 2022 following reports of an unresponsive baby.

Genevieve’s cause of death was later recorded as asphyxia and pathophysiological stress due to an unsafe sleeping environment.

Genevieve had been left for more than 90 minutes with minimal, if any, supervision while Roughley deliberately ignored her cries and struggles as she lay unable to move, face-down on the bean bag.  

Karen Tonge, specialist prosecutor for CPS North West’s Complex Casework Unit, said following the verdict that: “The CCTV footage from the nursery’s baby room showed a complete lack of care and tenderness towards Genevieve, and a total disregard for her welfare. For some inexplicable reason, Kate Roughley had taken a dislike to Genevieve, and this was clear for all to hear and see.”

The footage showed Roughley, who had 17 years’ experience as a caregiver, singing “Genevieve go home” and referred to her as “vile” in the days leading up to her death

On another occasion, when Genevieve was crying, Roughley could be heard on the footage to saying “stop your whinging”.

At 1.35pm on the day Genevieve died, video footage showed Roughley putting her down for a sleep. She could be heard on the footage saying to a colleague that she would “rather just put her on the bean bag, then I’m not wasting a cot”.

Experts who gave evidence at the trial described the bean bag as being wholly unsuitable for sleep.

They told the court the circumstances of Genevieve being placed on the bean bag were highly dangerous with a high risk of death and had she been placed on her back in a cot she would not have died.

The prosecution argued it would have been obvious Genevieve was in distress when “cursory checks” were made by Roughley before her death.

Specialist prosecutor Tonge added: “Roughley, a trained and experienced nursery worker, must have known the dangers of placing Genevieve face down on a bean bag. She was tightly swaddled, buckled in and had a blanket placed over her. She was left unattended, and her cries and obvious signs of distress were repeatedly ignored.  

“[She] was entrusted to take care of Genevieve. It is difficult to comprehend how someone in such a position of trust could have such a complete disregard for a child’s wellbeing and life. Her actions and inactions have had devastating consequences.”

Roughley pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and child cruelty, claiming she had placed Genevieve to sleep on her side and in a safe position.

She will be sentenced on Wednesday (22 May).

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