Lib Dem conference: Party plans to scrap pregnancy grant to hire more midwives

Lauren Higgs
Monday, September 21, 2009

Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrat spokesman for health, has set out plans to tackle the national shortage of midwives and health visitors by scrapping the pregnancy grant for expectant mothers.

In a speech to the party's annual conference, Lamb claimed the changes would benefit mothers and children.

He said: "Instead of spending £150m on the Health in Pregnancy Grant giveaway, we'll recruit 3,000 more midwives and health visitors to tackle the current shortfall so that every mother has the advice and support she needs and is given a choice about where she gives birth."

The Health in Pregnancy Grant is available to all pregnant women from the 25th week of pregnancy.

Lamb also claimed that the Liberal Democrats could save the NHS £500m every year by cutting down on the amount of cash spent on quangos and reducing bureacracy.


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