
Department for Education spells out ministers' responsibilities

Junior children's minister Tim Loughton has assumed responsibility for youth services, safeguarding, social work and children's workforce issues while minister Sarah Teather takes on early years, families and child poverty, it has been confirmed.

Schools minister Nick Gibb, meanwhile, has been handed responsibility for Neets, apprenticeships, careers and information, advice and guidance as part of his remit.

These are just some of the areas that are in a full list of ministerial responsibilities outlined by the Department for Education, three weeks after the coalition government took office.

The responsibilities, as stated by the DfE, are as follows:


Michael Gove MP - Secretary of State for Education

  •  Will have oversight of all policies.


Sarah Teather MP - minister of state for children and families

  • Children's centres
  • Childcare
  • Early learning and development, Curriculum 0-5
  • Voluntary and community sector
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • Families
  • Health issues (obesity, drugs and alcohol, teenage pregnancy)
  • Child poverty
  • Children's services commissioning and market development
  • Local authority funding/local government policy
  • Government offices and field forces
  • School food/Healthy Schools
  • Special educational needs and disabled children
  • Young carers


Tim Loughton MP - parliamentary under secretary of state for children and families

  • Children's services inspection and intervention (including Ofsted)
  • Children's Trusts
  • Safeguarding, including Vetting and Barring scheme
  • Social Work Taskforce and social work reform
  • Children's workforce
  • ContactPoint
  • Integrated Children's System (ICS), Electronic Common Assessment Framework (eCAF) and Lead Professional
  • Families with multiple problems
  • Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) and family law
  • Children in care, fostering and adoption (including runaways)
  • Domestic violence
  • National Citizen Service (including Youth Community Action)
  • Sport
  • Youth services
  • Youth crime
  • Department efficiencies


Nick Gibb MP - minister of state for schools

  • Behaviour and attendance, bullying
  • Assessment and Key Stage tests
  • Independent schools
  • Contingency planning/response
  • QCDA/Ofqual
  • School admissions
  • Neets
  • Apprenticeships
  • Reducing bureaucracy in schools
  • Careers/Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)
  • Qualifications (Diplomas etc)
  • Reform of National Curriculum 5-19, including music, STEM (science technology, engineering and maths) and setting of classes
  • Young People's Learning Agency


Jonathan Hill - parliamentary under secretary of state for schools

  • Academies
  • ‘Free' schools
  • Ofsted inspection of schools
  • School improvement (including the National Challenge, City Challenge and other improvement policies)
  • School funding (including the Pupil Premium)
  • Teachers and workforce issues
  • Teacher supply/quality
  • School transport
  • Schools' capital and Building Schools for the Future
  • Technical Academies


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