Birmingham pumps 42m into preventative services

Sue Learner
Friday, August 1, 2008

Birmingham Council is to spend nearly 42m on improving outcomes for children and young people in the city.

The Birmingham Children, Young People and Families Business Transformation programme, which begins this autumn, includes nurse family partnerships pilots, increased early years provision for vulnerable children and restorative justice pilots in three Birmingham children’s homes.

The nurse family partnerships pilots will offer an intensive home-visiting support programme for first-time, low income and young parents from early pregnancy until the child is two years old.

The restorative justice pilots will include face-to-face meetings with victims of crime and adult offenders.

Councillor Les Lawrence, cabinet member for children, young people and families, said: “By investing £41.7m up front to provide a portfolio of preventative programmes we can improve outcomes for children, young people and families in Birmingham.

“The programme is based on major research done with Birmingham school pupils and the carers of pre-school children to ensure what we offer is what residents of Birmingham need.”


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