
15-year-old found dead in custody

Youth Justice
A 15-year-old boy was found dead in his cell at Lancaster Farms Young Offender Institution yesterday.

Liam McManus was serving a seven week sentence for breaching a supervision order at the Lancashire prison.

He was originally given a four month Detention and Training Order for affray, and served two months in custody.

He was released on license, but failed to keep appointments with his youth offending team. This resulted in him being sent back before the court, and returned to custody for the reminder of the sentence.

The local police are investigating the death. Once this is complete the prisons and probation ombudsman will be asked to carry out a review.

In a statement Ellie Roy, the chief executive of the Youth Justice Board, said: “The death of any young person is a tragedy and my very deepest sympathies go to Liam’s family and friends at this difficult time.”

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