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Profit Making and Risk in Independent Children’s Social Care Placement Providers

Local authorities in England spend more than £2bn a year buying fostering and children's homes services alone from private and voluntary sector organisations (collectively referred to as the independent sector). Local authorities themselves continue to provide most foster placements, but around two in every five foster placements are made with independent sector providers. In children's homes the reverse is true. Here, three in every four placements are made in the independent sector.

Therapeutic Communities: Policy context

  • Tuesday, March 1, 2022
  • | CYP Now
The term “therapeutic” – at least in the way commissioning specifications set out – focuses on the direct work of a therapist in weekly sessions with a child. While this important technical component has its place, it is only one limited element. In order for residential care, fostering, education or supported housing to be “therapeutic” something more is needed.