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Stable workforce is key to future of social care

  • Monday, October 13, 2014
  • | CYP Now
Many local authorities continue to fill vacancies for children's social workers with temporary agency staff in order to tackle ever-increasing caseload levels. The issue is this month thrown into sharp focus at high-profile councils with the biggest challenges.

Editorial: Strong police presence is vital to safer schools

  • Monday, September 1, 2014
  • | CYP Now
CYP Now's investigation into school safety reveals some worrying trends in terms of the reduction in police presence in schools. A third of police forces have cut the number of PCs and community support officers based in schools over the past two years, while overall numbers of officers dedicated to this type of work has also fallen over the same period.

Residential trips are a priceless commodity

  • Monday, August 4, 2014
  • | CYP Now
Necessity is the mother of invention, so the saying goes. It is a maxim that could be applied to most of the services for children and young people today - being able to do more with less is a key requirement for any chief executive, middle manager or frontline practitioner.

Free childcare scheme needs more investment

  • Monday, June 23, 2014
  • | CYP Now
The government's free childcare offer for disadvantaged two-year-olds is both laudable and much needed. But that alone will not guarantee its success. Concerns about implementation of the initiative - which is meant to provide 15 hours of free childcare per week for the 130,000 most disadvantaged two-year-olds - have been around for some time. In the spring, the government's own figures showed a quarter of the expected number of places had yet to be created.

Outsourcing proposals require time and care

  • Monday, June 9, 2014
  • | CYP Now
If the submissions to the government's outsourcing consultations gathered by CYP Now is an accurate barometer of the sector overall, then the jury is well and truly out as to whether local authorities should be allowed to contract out children's social care services.

Councils must build on youth housing solutions

  • Monday, May 26, 2014
  • | CYP Now
The 10 per cent rise in house prices in England reported last week was widely seen as another sign that the economy is recovering from the deepest recession in living memory. Good news for home owners certainly, but soaring property prices are making it harder for young people to not just get on the housing ladder, but branch out into independent living generally.

Editorial: Outsourcing proposals could benefit charities

  • Tuesday, May 13, 2014
  • | CYP Now
The announcement last month of the consultation into the widescale outsourcing of children's services would have surprised few in the sector. Controversial though it may be, the government has been laying the groundwork for the creation of a children's social care "market" for the past year. But although the direction of travel has been clear for some time, the ramifications of such a move are only now starting to be thought through.

Councils need help to beat child poverty rise

  • Monday, April 28, 2014
  • | CYP Now
Projecting what will happen to child poverty figures between now and 2020 is a difficult task for the statisticians and number crunchers, let alone politicians and campaigners. So pronouncements on what the future holds have to be treated with a hefty dose of caution, particularly with a general election not far away.

'Schoolification' is not the answer to narrow the gap

  • Monday, April 14, 2014
  • | CYP Now
Patience is a virtue in short supply in public services, particularly among politicians and policymakers. There can be few areas where this is more evident than in education, where initiatives and overhauls of curriculums, exams and structures seem to come ever thicker and faster. A couple of weeks ago, early years providers discovered how impatient the government and its agencies are to raise standards, with the sector's record for improving the outcomes for disadvantaged children coming under scrutiny.

Where is the long-term plan on job Å creation?

  • Monday, March 31, 2014
  • | CYP Now
At an event in parliament last week, young people and MPs gathered to discuss the challenge of youth unemployment. Organised by youth initiative the 99% Campaign, the panel concluded that unless speedy solutions are found to help the near one million young people not in education, employment or training (Neet), the problem could blight a generation for decades.

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