
Vetting checks can be done in a week

1 min read Careers Social Care
Most safeguarding checks on people applying to work with children will be carried out in seven days, according to the head of the new Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).

From October employers will be able to go to the ISA to check if potential staff members are allowed to work with children. The authority will make decisions on who can work with young people and will keep a list of people who are barred.

Chief executive Adrian McAllister told CYP Now: "The majority of people who apply to the scheme will have no information on them and they will go through quickly. It will take seven days in most cases."

But he said checks would take longer when information, such as police records, are held on an individual: "I make no apologies that sometimes these decisions will take some time."

The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) will still issue criminal records disclosures. People who are not barred will be ISA-registered and can take this between jobs. People who have already been CRB-checked will eventually have to get an ISA registration. The cost of the ISA checks will be £64.

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