
Qualifications to be more flexible

1 min read Careers Education
School support staff are set for a more flexible qualifications system, under plans from the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA).

The agency is proposing a new system for teaching assistants and other support staff that will allow them to work towards a qualification stage by stage.

Sue Tate, programme leader for standards and qualifications at the TDA, said: "We are recognising that when people join the school workforce they often come in with a fairly limited role that may then develop over time. We need a qualifications structure that enables them to build up a qualification over time and prevents them having to repeat chunks of learning if they take on a new role."

Under the new qualifications framework, schools would be able to put units together in different combinations to meet staffing needs. "It will also be easier to top up and add things and will be easily recognised by employers," added Tate.

The consultation on the proposals ends on 23 June.

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