
List of famous care leavers to provide role models and dispel negative stereotypes

1 min read Social Care
A list of famous and successful care leavers is being published in an attempt to improve the image of the care system and counter negative stereotypes.

It is hoped the list — Know your Care Leaver A to Z! — will provide inspiring role models for children in care and motivate local authorities and those involved in the care system to achieve more for the young people with whom they work.

The list includes film stars Steve McQueen and Marilyn Monroe, broadcaster David Akinsanya, athlete Kriss Akabusi, Big Issue founder John Bird and actor Samantha Morton.

Mike Lindsay, head of advice at the Office of the Children's Rights Director, who has compiled the list, said: "Hopefully, the publication will challenge the 'game-changers' in local authorities, policy-making and service provision to realise that there is much more that could be achieved for looked-after children and care leavers, by looking for inspiration from the many successful stories that have originated from care."

Lindsay wants the list to continue growing and is encouraging other successful care leavers to come forward to add their names.

Last week during National Care Leavers' Week, children's minister Tim Loughton launched streamlined regulations for professionals working with care leavers. He said the new guidance is 7,000 words shorter and will cut bureaucracy for professionals.

Full list at cypnow.co.uk/doc

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