
Careers: Children's librarian

1 min read Careers Education
Children's librarians work to cultivate children and young people's love of reading

What does a children’s librarian do?
Children’s librarians work in the public library service with children up to the age of 16. Their job is to encourage and support children and young people’s interest in books, reading and the use of libraries. They carry out a range of functions, for example compiling lists of materials to engage children and promote the love of books, creating child-friendly environments at libraries, planning and delivering activities such as storytelling and homework clubs, and working with teachers, parents, and community groups to develop projects that improve children’s literacy skills.

They are also responsible for encouraging lifelong use of the library and for making sure that all public library staff are trained to help children use the resources available. The role is separate to that of a school librarian.

What other professionals do they work with?
Children’s librarians work with youth workers, teachers, family learning services and other local community organisations. “One of the key roles of a children’s librarian is building partnerships and networks,” explains Rachel Levy, chair of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals’ (Cilip) Youth Libraries Group.

What training and qualifications are needed?
Cilip holds a list of accredited undergraduate and post-graduate courses in library and information services. Holding an accredited qualification is not a legal requirement but it is seen as best practice. “The requirements vary from local authority to local authority,” says Levy. “We believe it is important to be qualified because it shows commitment to working in a library, but it is sometimes possible to go into the career from an education or youth work background.”

Most courses are offered as full-time or part-time to employees on day release, and a few are offered as distance learning

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