
Young volunteers to staff first vInspired clothes store

1 min read Youth Work Youth volunteering
Youth charity vInspired has opened its first shop, a boutique fashion store run by and for young people.

Called Goodstock, the shop, on Oxford Street in Manchester city centre’s student district, sells fashionable, affordable items of clothing for young people that have been donated to the project.

The store is staffed by trained young volunteers who want to use the opportunity to improve their confidence, skills and employability. It will also be used as an events space, enabling young entrepreneurs to sell their products and services to the public and boost their business skills.

The profits generated by the store will be reinvested into vInspired’s other work, with the charity saying that if successful Goodstock shops could be opened in other parts of the country.  

Moira Swinbank, vInspired chief executive, said: “Our research found that retail was one of the top five sought-after industries for young people, with nearly 40 per cent choosing it as a desirable career choice. Through Goodstock we are able to offer a space for young people to gain experience and skills within the sector through volunteering and entrepreneurial opportunities within the store.

“By having a presence on the high street, the shop will also help vInspired reach thousands more passionate young people who want to do great things.”

Goodstock has been designed to appeal to the youth market, with vInspired research showing that young people felt traditional charity shops were often old-fashioned and not targeted at them.

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