Young climate change leaders appointed

Tom Lloyd
Monday, January 21, 2008

Six young people have been chosen as Climate Change Champions for Wales.

The group will be charged with promoting the importance of tackling climate change among their friends, families and the wider community.

This is the first group of young champions selected in Wales, and they will spend a year in the role.

The Welsh Assembly Government launched its search for champions last year, and received hundreds of entries from young people

The successful six are Adam Amor, 16, from Swansea, James Fletcher, 16, from Caerphilly, Katie Gupwell, 14, from Pontypridd, Katie Mason, 14, from Conwy, Tom Williams, 15, from Cardiff, and Ashley Yarrow, 15, from Rhondda Cynon Taf.

Ashley said: "At the moment I am campaigning in my school to raise awareness of climate change issues and I look forward to doing more work to make Wales a more environmentally aware place to live."

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