
Ofsted study identifies key traits of outstanding children's services

A strong emphasis on prevention and early intervention and successful engagement of children, young people and families are among the traits of the 10 local authorities judged as outstanding in children's services by Ofsted.
An examination of the 10 children's services departments judged as performing excellently in Ofsted's December 2009 assessments has revealed that strong management arrangements, a belief that there is always more to do and successful involvement of children and families results in outstanding services.

Local authorities judged as excellent by inspectors had a good track record of closing the gaps in outcomes between vulnerable children and their peers, according to the report.

In her introduction to the findings, Ofsted chief inspector Christine Gilbert said: "Excellent children’s services make a difference, not only by improving outcomes for all children but also for those who are more vulnerable. These are not seen as incompatible priorities."

Consistency, "robust" performance management and strong and effective partnerships are also characteristics of outstanding children's services departments, according to inspectors, while successful authorities also ensure that support is designed around the needs, progress and development of individual children.

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