Inspectors praise continued children's services progress at Doncaster

Joe Lepper
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

An independent trust running children's services in Doncaster has been praised by inspectors for improvements in the quality and speed of social workers' responses to child protection concerns.

Paul Moffat said staff have demonstrated their commitment to improving the lives of Doncaster children, young people and families. Picture: Doncaster Children's Services Trust
Paul Moffat said staff have demonstrated their commitment to improving the lives of Doncaster children, young people and families. Picture: Doncaster Children's Services Trust

Following their fourth monitoring visit since Doncaster was rated "inadequate" in November 2015, an Ofsted inspection team said that prompt and thorough action is now being taken where there are concerns children are at risk of harm.

The quality of assessments, which are well scrutinised by senior managers, was also found strong. This meant that ongoing risks are being effectively reduced and issues are being picked up even if they are not immediately obvious, inspectors said.

Social workers at the service, which was taken over by Doncaster Children's Services Trust in October 2014 on the orders of then Education Secretary Michael Gove, were also praised for ensuring they involve children's views when assessing cases.

"The views and lived experiences of children come through very strongly in cases seen, facilitated by effective engagement and direct work from social workers," Ofsted states in a letter to the trust outlining the findings of the visit. 

"Prompt and thorough responses have ensured that no children were found to be in situations of unassessed or unmanaged risk, and timely progression of work on cases seen has meant that risks for children are reduced effectively."

Despite the praise, inspectors said they are concerned that reasons why decisions are taken by managers when overseeing cases are not being properly recorded. They also found that in some cases information could be presented in a clearer way to families.

Trust chief executive Paul Moffatt said: "I am incredibly proud of our staff who have demonstrated their commitment to improving the lives of Doncaster children, young people and families.

"This report, like others before it, shows that we all at the trust recognise the importance of listening to those we are providing services for as well as linking up with partner agencies who can help us determine the best plan of action in each case.

"We realise there is still more to do and with our partners we are all determined to get on with it." 
Nuala Fennelly, Doncaster Council's lead member for children, young people and schools, added: "It is very pleasing to see that Ofsted recognises the clear progress that the council and Doncaster Children's Services Trust have continued to make in improving services for our children and young people."

Ofsted's previous monitoring visit in February praised the service for ensuring children are involved in decision making, such as taking part in staff interviews and advising on projects, including children's home refurbishments.

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