
First 500 play strategy sites open for Easter

1 min read Early Years Youth Work
The first 500 play sites funded by the government's 235m play strategy have opened, the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has announced.

The sites, which are either new or refurbished play areas, are now open for children and young people in 63 local authorities in time for the Easter holidays.

The overall investment, announced in The Children's Plan, will result in 3,500 new or renewed plays areas for children and 30 adventure playgrounds in different parts of the country by 2011. All top-tier local authorities will receive at least £1m and 30 pathfinder authorities will get an average of £2.5m to implement the programme.

Adrian Voce, chief executive of Play England, which is contracted by the DCSF to support and train the councils allocated play strategy money, said: "These new play areas, based on the design principles that put play value first, will provide exciting opportunities for children across the country in the neighbourhoods where they are most needed."

The DCSF says it instructed local authorities involved in the first wave of play sites to consult with children, young people and parents in the design of the new playgrounds. Final plans for the next waves of sites will be only be signed off when ministers are content that full consultation will the local community has taken place, the department said.

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