Cornwall Council launches emergency appeal for care leaver accommodation

Nina Jacobs
Friday, April 17, 2020

A council has launched an emergency appeal to boost its provision of supported accommodation for care leavers during the coronavirus outbreak.

Cornwall Council has launched an appeal for emergency accommodation. Picture: Adobe Stock
Cornwall Council has launched an appeal for emergency accommodation. Picture: Adobe Stock

Cornwall Council says it wants to urgently recruit households that can provide supported lodgings for 16- and 17-year-old care leavers.

It says the recruitment drive is to ensure safe accommodation can be given to these young people during the coronavirus outbreak, with additional accommodation needed in the coming weeks.

In a statement, the council lists examples of suitable accommodation, which include a person’s home, annexe or a separate building.

Applicants would need to provide support and access to facilities for any young person placed in their accommodation, it adds.

The council is offering full training and support from its 16+ team in addition to a weekly payment for successful applicants.

Responding to the appeal, the Local Government Association (LGA) said different care leavers would have varying needs and it was vital that a range of accommodation options was available to meet their requirements.

Councillor Judith Blake, chair of the LGA’s children and young people board, said: “Councils are doing everything in their power to ensure that care leavers are provided with the support they need during the coronavirus pandemic.”

The appeal comes amid a government consultation on unregulated supported accommodation, which has been extended for eight weeks due to the pandemic.

The government proposes banning such provision for under-16s, which lead to a coalition of children's charities and organisations launching the "Keep Caring to 18" campaign in response to the plans.

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