Editor Derren Hayes and online editor Fiona Simpson discuss key issues arising from the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, whether a commissioner’s decision not to implement a trust model at an “inadequate” local authority signals the end of the practice and what Ofsted scrapping single-phrase judgments means for the sector. Experts share their views on key developments in policy and practice in services for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
In this episode:
- Latest news from across the children and young people’s sector
- CYP Now’s hero and villain of the month.
- Special report debate on the problems with access to SEND support which is highlighted by a surge in cases being taken to the SEND Tribunal featuring Amanda Allard, strategic director at the Council for Disabled Children, academic Dr Sue Soan and Marcus Le Brocq, principal consultant at CACI
Useful links:
- October edition of CYP Now: https://www.cypnow.co.uk/content/news/in-october-s-cyp-now-boosting-adoption-inspection-changes-send-special
- What Ofsted’s scrapping of single-phrase inspection judgments means for providers: https://www.cypnow.co.uk/content/news/in-october-s-cyp-now-boosting-adoption-inspection-changes-send-special
- Commissioner rejects ‘costly and time consuming’ trust model for Tameside’s children’s services: https://www.cypnow.co.uk/content/news/commissioner-rejects-costly-and-time-consuming-trust-model-for-tameside-s-children-s-services
- Special Report: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities: https://www.cypnow.co.uk/content/features/special-report-special-educational-needs-and-disabilities-2
Podcast music is ‘Passion’ by AlexiAction via Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/upbeat-passion-127011/
This episode of the CYP Now Podcast is sponsored by CACI