Editor Derren Hayes and online editor Fiona Simpson discuss key challenges for the youth work sector arising from UK-wide riots during the summer, criticism of free schools and a Department for Education warning over a “critical” shortage of social workers over the next decade and a special report on policy developments in children’s residential care.
In this episode:
- CYP Now’s hero and villain of the month.
- Special report debate on whether supported accommodation will ever be seen as an acceptable option for children in care rather than a last resort featuring Ofsted’s national director of social care Yvette Stanley, Carolyne Willow, chief executive of charity Article 39 and David Thompson, chair of the National Association of Supported Accommodation Partners.
- Become’s Clare Bracey discusses why the charity is campaigning for an end to children in care being placed miles from their local area.
Useful links:
- September edition of CYP Now: https://www.cypnow.co.uk/content/news/in-september-s-cyp-now-youth-work-riot-response-children-s-residential-care-policy-cyp-now-awards-shortlist
- Youth workers' riot response: https://www.cypnow.co.uk/content/analysis/riot-response-youth-workers-will-be-crucial-for-healing-communities
- Residential care policy review: https://www.cypnow.co.uk/content/features/special-report-childrens-residential-care-key-policy-updates
Podcast music is ‘Passion’ by AlexiAction via Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/upbeat-passion-127011/