
Supporting children and families with a parent in prison: advice for professionals

2 mins read Children's Services
Lorna Brookes, reader in parental imprisonment, Liverpool John Moores University, and founder of Time-Matters UK which offers advice for professionals working families dealing with parental imprisonment.
Lorna Brookes is founder of Time-Matters UK. Picture: Lorna Brookes
Lorna Brookes is founder of Time-Matters UK. Picture: Lorna Brookes

Be patient. Having a family member sent to prison, no matter what the circumstances, is traumatic. This is true whether the family is relieved or heart broken. Children often blame themselves. More than anything, families in this position need kindness, patience, and a non-judgmental approach. Those who would benefit from support might not be ready to accept it but may change their mind at a later date. Let people know you are there and check in from time to time to make sure they know the offer of help is still on the table.

Check what the child knows. In many families, parents and carers choose to tell children that their parent in prison is “working away from home” or similar stories. Research suggests children normally cope much better with the truth but it’s important to respect the family’s choices and not push them too hard to explain things fully until they feel ready. Specialist services can only really work with children who know their parent is in prison. Children need to know professionals will tell them the truth from the start. Not doing so risks adding to their confusion and makes them more likely to mistrust all professionals.

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