Child poverty hits almost 100 per cent in some areas of UK

Alison Bennett
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some areas of the UK have nearly all children either living in poverty or on the brink of it, according to the Campaign to End Child Poverty.

Figures released by the pressure group yesterday (30 September) show anestimated 98 per cent of children living in two areas of Glasgow areeither living in poverty or in families struggling to get by.

The study also found more than 170 constituencies across the UK have 50per cent or more children on the brink of poverty.

The statistics are based on the number of families claiming tax creditsand cover the 646 parliamentary constituencies.

Child poverty is defined as households living below 60 per cent ofmedian income.

Hilary Fisher, campaign director, said: "We want everyone who feels thisinjustice should be changed to join us in demanding Gordon Brown doessomething about it."

The campaign will stage a rally in Trafalgar Square, London, on Saturday(4 October). The event will call on the government to keep its promiseto halve child poverty by 2010.

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