Save the Children cuts back to tackle child poverty

Monday, June 23, 2008

Save the Children is to close three of its offices as it refocuses its work to concentrate on ending child poverty.

The charity has carried out a review to identify how it can use its resources to areas where it can make the biggest impact and inspire change for children. It identified eradicating child poverty as the focus for the next five years at least. 

Colette Marshall, UK programme director, said: “Regrettably, due to these changes and our withdrawal from protection work with refugee and asylum-seeking children, we anticipate significant reductions in staffing in a number of areas.

 “Decisions like these are difficult for our staff who have worked hard to improve the lives of children. We will be working closely with affected staff on a formal consultation process and giving them as much information on timings and actions in the coming weeks as possible.”

A three-month consultation period will start now prior to final decisions being made on how to implement these changes.

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