Barnardo's to run welfare services at centre for failed asylum seekers

Joe Lepper
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Barnardo's has agreed to run family welfare services at the government's planned pre-departure accommodation centre for failed asylum seekers.

The centre is part of the government’s pledge to end the detention of children for immigration purposes and have a greater focus on family welfare when dealing with failed asylum seekers.

The centre, on a school site near Gatwick Airport, will have nine apartments for families, surrounded by a 2.3m-high fence. Children can still be held at the centre for up to 72 hours under the government’s plans.
In a speech today, Barnardo’s chief executive Anne Marie Carrie said: "One of my first decisions as chief executive was to agree that Barnardo’s provides the welfare and social work services within the accommodation. For me, this decision goes right back to our core purpose. Barnardo’s seeks to support the most vulnerable children. The families and children held in this accommodation are at their most vulnerable and desperately need our support.

"I am under no doubt that there will be some who will be critical of my decision. I ask you this one question – if not us then who?"

She added: "Barnardo’s will not be afraid to speak out if we witness any member of staff not keeping a child’s welfare front of mind or failing to treat residents with dignity and respect."

Immigration minister Damian Green said: "It is crucial that the welfare of children remains an absolute priority during the returns process and the use of this new accommodation will be a last resort. It will, however, have an entirely different look and feel to an immigration removal centre, with a high degree of privacy for each family.

"I believe our new approach is both fair and humane. We are providing assistance packages and family conferences to ensure families understand their options, and will be trying to ensure that families can remain in the community prior to their departure home."

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