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Social workers must be prepared

  • Monday, February 22, 2010
  • | CYP Now
An alarming 93 per cent of social workers believe that new staff entering the profession lack the necessary skills to do the job properly.

Homeless teens enter the equation

  • Tuesday, October 20, 2009
  • | CYP Now
The numbers of looked-after children are on the rise as the recession takes its toll on families and social workers become more risk-averse in the aftermath of Baby P.

Editorial: The defiance of Sharon Shoesmith

  • Tuesday, February 10, 2009
  • | CYP Now
Haringey's former director of children's services has now told her side of the Baby P story. Strikingly, three months on, the ability to unequivocally say sorry still eludes Sharon Shoesmith in the interviews that surfaced last weekend.

Sector must influence the coalition

  • Monday, May 17, 2010
  • | CYP Now
They say that a week is a long time in politics. Quite. As predicted in these pages for many months, the new Tory Secretary of State Michael Gove has renamed the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) as the Department for Education.

Children's home system is in urgent need of care

  • Monday, July 9, 2012
  • | CYP Now
The government's welcome resolve to tackle child sexual exploitation in the wake of the notorious Rochdale child-grooming ring has, inevitably, opened a can of worms over the treatment of children in residential care.

Labour must produce a clear vision for children

  • Tuesday, March 18, 2014
  • | CYP Now
After a slow start, Labour seems to be finding its feet in opposition. But with a general election a little over a year away, time is running out for the party to produce a coherent policy vision for children, young people and families.

Target families to end worklessness

  • Tuesday, October 13, 2009
  • | CYP Now
One in six children and young people in the UK - around 1.9 million - live in a household where no-one works. The past few decades have seen the rise of intergenerational worklessness, where unemployment is deeply entrenched in families. This is despite the fact that employment rates have increased overall, the current recession notwithstanding.

It's good logic to halve child poverty

  • Tuesday, April 14, 2009
  • | CYP Now
The fiscal stimulus, be it tax cuts or increases in government spending, has been all the rage on both sides of the Atlantic, as the boldest way to ride the recession.

Lame reaction to protection worries

  • Tuesday, May 12, 2009
  • | CYP Now
The Children's Secretary has talked a tough game throughout the Baby Peter child protection storm, taking swift action at the outset in commissioning Lord Laming to review child protection arrangements in England.

Election result prolongs uncertainty

  • Monday, May 10, 2010
  • | CYP Now
At the time of writing -- on the historically uncertain afternoon of Friday 7 May -- the Conservatives were about to enter into negotiations with the Liberal Democrats about helping them to form a government.

Every Child Matters faces biggest test

  • Monday, April 19, 2010
  • | CYP Now
The Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) pledged, in its annual report last week, to assess and build on the progress of Every Child Matters (ECM) for the next five years, as a policy priority for the coming 12 months. It is a good priority to hold, particularly given the uncertainty ahead.

One small step for care, one giant leap required

  • Monday, April 29, 2013
  • | CYP Now
The high-profile cases of children in residential care going missing and being sexually exploited in the past year have sent shockwaves through our society. Last week, the government responded by announcing some important reforms.

Free childcare scheme needs more investment

  • Monday, June 23, 2014
  • | CYP Now
The government's free childcare offer for disadvantaged two-year-olds is both laudable and much needed. But that alone will not guarantee its success. Concerns about implementation of the initiative - which is meant to provide 15 hours of free childcare per week for the 130,000 most disadvantaged two-year-olds - have been around for some time. In the spring, the government's own figures showed a quarter of the expected number of places had yet to be created.

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