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Legal Update: Criminalising domestic abuse

  • Tuesday, January 20, 2015
  • | CYP Now
Kirsten Anderson, research and policy manager at Coram Children's Legal Centre, asks if criminalising coercive and controlling behaviour will provide better protection to victims of domestic violence.

Legal Update: Trafficking victims and families

  • Tuesday, March 15, 2016
  • | CYP Now
Frances Trevena, head of policy and programmes at Coram Children's Legal Centre, examines the gaps in service provision for families and child victims of trafficking and how this group can be better supported.

Legal Update: Scrutiny of private fostering

  • Tuesday, January 19, 2016
  • | CYP Now
Kamena Dorling, head of policy and programmes at Coram Children's Legal Centre, examines changes to data collection on private fostering arrangements and what further work is needed to safeguard children and young people.

Opinion: Who carries the can when things go wrong in childsafeguarding?

  • Monday, May 12, 2014
  • | CYP Now
What did you think last month when you heard that the Prime Minister of South Korea had offered his resignation in the wake of the ferry disaster? I don't suppose anybody thought that the PM had been at the helm of the ship that sunk, or that he could personally be held to blame for any lapses in the training of supervision of the ferry. But the culture in South Korea expects that those in highest authority carry responsibility for anything that goes wrong.

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