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Sustainable Services: Policy context

  • Wednesday, December 22, 2021
  • | CYP Now
There are numerous studies showing how events like floods, fires, drought and harm to animals as a result of habitat destruction are affecting the mental health of young people, who now face even more uncertainty about their future because of the pandemic.

Bang for the buck

  • Monday, February 6, 2012
  • | CYP Now
Social investment is set to become a growing source of finance for public projects. Ravi Chandiramani examines how it works, the principal challenges and how the children's sector could reap the benefits

Social media will let tomorrow's leaders bridge north-south divide

  • Monday, May 13, 2013
  • | CYP Now
This month, shuttling between the north-east and the south-east of England, I have been struck by some of the massive variations in the experiences of children and young people in different parts of the country, and how this impacts upon national debates about future policy. It has made me more conscious too of a widening divide between young and old in these debates.

Mutual benefits

  • Tuesday, February 19, 2013
  • | CYP Now
Public sector employees are being encouraged to take control of the services they provide and run them as mutuals. Joe Lepper looks at the experiences of those pioneering the approach in children's services

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