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Special Report: Trauma-Informed Services

Trauma-informed practice (TIP) emphasises young people’s resilience and ability to recover from adverse childhood experiences and is increasingly being used by services working with children and families.

Legal Update: Parent power in EHCPs

An important decision from the Upper Tribunal has upheld a holistic interpretation of section 9 of the Education Act 1996, the general principle that children will be educated in accordance with their parents’ wishes, with a duty on the local authority to specify the parent’s preferred school in a child’s education, health and care plan (EHCP) if it is considered suitable for their needs, offers “efficient” education and avoids unreasonable public expenditure.

Inspections Clinic: Residential holiday schemes

Following providers’ criticism, Ofsted has amended the inspection framework for residential schemes for disabled children to put greater emphasis on fun and the child’s experience, reports Jo Stephenson.

Legal Update: Kinship care and the Care Review

Alexandra Conroy Harris, legal consultant at CoramBAAF, explains how proposals in the Care Review to encourage more children to be placed in kinship care arrangements could have unintended consequences.

Commissioning Care: Special Report

Recommendations in the Care Review aim to improve co-ordination and management in the care market while driving down costs for councils, but some believe the proposals do not go far enough.

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