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Legal Update: Legal aid changes and family law

Kirsten Anderson, legal research and policy manager at Coram Children's Legal Centre, examines the impact that changes to civil legal aid are having on access to justice in private family law matters.

The optimum place

  • Tuesday, October 31, 2017
  • | CYP Now
As the number of children in care continues to rise, Joe Lepper examines how commissioners are juggling the perennial challenge of placing children according to their needs at reasonable cost.

Legal Update: Relationships with the court

  • Tuesday, October 25, 2022
  • | CYP Now
Alexandra Conroy Harris, legal consultant at CoramBAAF, explains how the charity is working with local authorities and judges to improve understanding of care orders so the right one is used.

Family court improvement forum

Louise Sims, kinship care and fostering consultant at CoramBAAF, discusses the benefits of Quality Circle, an innovative forum to identify good practice developed by the Sussex Family Justice Board.

Out-of-court advocacy

A pioneering scheme is aiming to transform the role of guardians by involving them in family proceedings at an earlier stage to prevent cases from going to court and reduce delays. Lauren Higgs reports

Legal Update: Family group conferences

Emily Blackshaw, lead quantitative analyst and Max Stanford, head of impact and evaluation at Coram outline findings from an evaluation of the use of FGCs at the pre-proceedings stage.

The policy context on Attachment and Neglect

In recent years there has been a growing recognition of the scale of child neglect, its long-term effect on children's wellbeing and how interventions can prevent and repair the damage caused to children's ability to form strong attachments with parents and carers.

Legal Update: Discharge of SGOs

  • Tuesday, February 1, 2022
  • | CYP Now
Leonie Jordan, associate legal consultant at CoramBAAF, highlights some of the complex issues and potential instabilities surrounding the process for discharging special guardianship orders.

Legal Update: Tackling family court delays

  • Tuesday, January 31, 2023
  • | CYP Now
Children's welfare is being harmed by ongoing backlogs in the family court process which need to be addressed urgently says Richard Oldershaw, senior legal adviser at Coram's Child Law Advice Service.

Legal Update: Special guardianship orders

Serious case review highlights need for rigorous assessments when placing a child with a special guardian, writes Kamena Dorling, head of policy & programmes at Coram Children's Legal Centre.

The policy context on preventing care proceedings

  • Tuesday, January 17, 2017
  • | CYP Now
In the face of tightening council budgets and rising demand for children's social care services, policymakers and local leaders have for the past few years been devising ways to reduce children's services' use of care proceedings.

Social Workers on the witness stand

  • Tuesday, February 28, 2017
  • | CYP Now
Giving evidence in court can be a daunting experience for social workers. Eileen Fursland looks at the challenges and sees first-hand the training on offer.

Special Report: Preventing care proceedings

  • Monday, January 16, 2017
  • | CYP Now
As the care system continues to come under increased pressure, children's services are focusing on ways to better support vulnerable children and families, and avoid the need for care proceedings to be initiated.