Letters to the Editor: Better response on runaways

Friday, June 24, 2011

International charity Railway Children welcomes the debate in parliament on the links between runaway children and child sexual exploitation.

We also welcome the admission by children's minister Tim Loughton that the poor recording of missing children was "alarming" and the current "lack of recognition of the problem has got to stop and affirmative action put in place".

The number of children at risk of exploitation and violence on the streets is spiralling as flawed government data disguises the true scale of the problem nationwide and prevents implementation of an intelligence-led response.

The link between children who run away and sexual exploitation is indisputable. A more complete picture of the problem will mean better protection and prevention of the horrific experiences suffered by young runaways in the past, while a more intelligent and collaborative use of existing resources is needed to better support the frontline projects responsible for making government ideas happen on the ground.

Andy McCullough, national strategy and policy officer, Railway Children


Great Ormond Street Evidence

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children's NHS Trust Board has written to Lynne Featherstone MP asking her to withdraw her allegations that the trust sought to mislead inquiries into the death of Peter Connelly.

All members of the trust board have personally reviewed the documentary evidence in response to each of Ms Featherstone's claims.

It is clear that the trust has never sought to mislead any inquiry into the death of a child.

The trust board found:

  • There was no intention by Great Ormond Street Hospital management to hide anything.
  • Reasonable decisions were made regarding the information sent to the first serious case review.
  • The full Sibert report was shared with the second serious case review.

The trust board has complete confidence in Dr Collins. Neither she nor her colleagues sought to mislead the inquiry.

Tessa Blackstone, chair, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust


Importance of free school meals

Extra efforts to encourage families to sign up for their free school meals are always welcome. But it's vital to remember that this isn't just about securing additional funding for our schools.

The most important thing about a free school meal is that it guarantees a child a tasty, nutritious lunch every day, with benefits for their health, their behaviour and their concentration.

We should always encourage every qualifying child to take up that right.

Rob Rees, chairman, School Food Trust


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