Business manager trial for schools

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A pilot scheme that promises to free head teachers from overwhelming administrative workloads is to benefit almost 100 schools.

The trial, which is being run by the National College for School Leadership (NCSL), has been designed to test how a new breed of strategic business managers could help to increase leadership capacity in schools. NCSL is hopeful that two new roles, which build on the existing school business manager model already used in schools, will free up to 30 per cent of head teachers' time.

Advanced school business managers are to be trialled in small clusters of two or three primary schools, while higher-level school business directors will be tested in larger groups of schools.

Toby Salt, deputy chief executive of NCSL, said: "The head teacher's role has grown significantly over the years, particularly in the primary sector. This initiative could enable the vast majority of schools to access a highly skilled school business manager operating across groups of schools."

The trials of both roles will last one year. Results from the scheme are expected in November 2009.

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