Ask the Expert: Raising funds for niche charities

Tracie Trimmer-Platman
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I work for a small charity in London that aims to improve the lives of teenage girls who are sex workers. It is difficult to raise money as people always find “nicer” causes to champion. Do you have any ideas?

Unfortunately, this is a problem a number of charities suffer from. Giving to charities that, say, help disabled children or mistreated animals is easier to relate to for most people than providing counselling for young women selling sex.

I would focus your fundraising efforts on sexual and mental health trusts and organisations. Plus, if you do not already, tap into local pots such as social services, police and local businesses. Also, talk to organisations whose focus is on improving the neighbourhood and explain that your work, far from “lowering the tone of the area”, can actually make a difference.

There is always a chance that recruiting champions who can advocate for the charity is a way of gathering interest and support – perhaps local celebrities or politicians.

There are many excellent models across Europe. Networks such as and work to ensure the health and human rights of sex workers, but also help to develop partnerships and technical support for project development. You could link into the Social Care Institute for Excellence, which has written several articles and carried out research in this area:

Answered by Tracie Trimmer-Platman, senior lecturer in youth and community work at the University of East London

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