Ask the Expert: A teenage superhero

Tracie Trimmer-Platman
Monday, October 1, 2012

A young man in our area has taken on a superhero persona and claims to be
a “keeper of the peace”.

He has a costume he says he wears after 10pm and that he has saved people from stressful situations. How can I help him?

Many young people, particularly males, have fantasies about being superheroes – the material that makes up many a novel, film, cartoon or fancy dress costume. But it is more unusual for a young person to claim to do this in reality, and outside their own home.

You should try to determine this young man’s motives and, more importantly, get some sense of his capacity to identify situations that he might want to avoid. Clearly, if Grandma needs help crossing the road or carrying her shopping that is one thing; intervening, say, in a post-pub brawl is another.

Obviously, if you think he has unrealistic or obsessive aims you might want to consider referring him to therapeutic services where appropriate. Generally, I would not be concerned about his new hobby unless you have reason to believe that he might be putting himself or others in danger.

Answered by Tracie Trimmer-Platman. Trimmer-Platman is senior lecturer in youth and community work at the University of East London

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