
Unison issues manifesto for youth

Unison has published a manifesto for young people after conducting a poll that found 93 per cent of young people think the government is not doing enough to help them.

The trade union polled 1,411 young people aged 17 to 25 and found that only 41 per cent felt optimistic about the future.

One in 10 said it had taken them more than a year to find a job and 15 per cent said they had debts of more than £20,000.

Unison general secretary Dave Prentis said: “This survey makes chilling reading.

“The government is failing future generations by cutting the services, benefits and support that young people need and rely on.

“What the under-25s need is targeted help now to find decent jobs, more top-quality apprenticeship opportunities and they need to be properly paid for the work that they do.”

Unison’s “agenda” for young people calls for legislation to end age bands in the national minimum wage and “age-based discrimination in the benefits system”.

It said schoolchildren should attend “compulsory informal sessions on personal and social development” that cover issues such as society, citizenship and identity.

The union also recommended that careers advice should also be collectively procured by schools at local authority level and restrictions on adverts for unhealthy food and drink in or near schools.

It also said young people need more access to youth work services.

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