Unison chief attacks proposal to devolve planning decisions

Janaki Mahadevan
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The coalition government is to introduce a bill that will attempt to devolve greater powers to councils and neighbourhoods and give local communities more control over housing and planning decisions.

Unveiled in the Queen's Speech today, government plans to give local communities greater power over planning decisions in their area will be put forward in a Decentralism and Localism Bill.

Children's sector professionals have raised concerns about such a move fearing it will lead to a "not in my back yard" mentality allowing residents to block facilities such as children's homes and youth clubs.

Following today's announcement, Dave Prentis, general secretary of trade union Unison, said the move could also impact on families waiting on housing waiting lists.

He said: "It's right to involve local councils and communities in planning and housing decisions, but there also needs to be a strong voice for the 1.7 million of families stuck on housing waiting lists.

"There is nothing here that will ensure the delivery of the affordable housing we desperately need. A radical programme of council house building now would also provide much-needed jobs in the private sector."

A Local Government Bill will also be introduced to block new and uncompleted plans for unitary councils.

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