
Timpson to answer readers' questions on SEN reforms

CYP Now is offering children's professionals the opportunity to ask children's minister Edward Timpson questions about the special educational needs (SEN) reforms.

CYP Now is accepting questions from readers about the reforms, which will then be put to Timpson to answer. His responses will be published in a forthcoming issue of the magazine and online.

From September, a raft of new duties will come into force that will radically alter the way local authorities, schools and other agencies work with children and young people with SEN.

A key provision of the reforms, introduced under the Children and Families Act 2014, is the introduction of education, health and care (EHC) plans to co-ordinate support for all children and young people aged up to 25, replacing statements of SEN.

In addition, children and young people with SEN, and their families, will be offered personal budgets to carry out their EHC plan, giving them greater control over their care.

Local authorities will also be required to publish a “local offer” containing details of all the support available to disabled children and young people and families in the area – not just those with SEN.

To submit your questions, Tweet us using the handles @cypnow and @lauramccardle, email them to or add a comment below.

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