
Support for adopted teenagers needs ‘urgent and dramatic improvement’, charity warns

1 min read Social Care
Teenagers are being let down by adoption services in England, Adoption UK has warned.
Tailored support for adopted teenagers is a recommendation made by Adoption UK. Picture: Synthex🇺🇦
Tailored support for adopted teenagers is a recommendation made by Adoption UK. Picture: Synthex🇺🇦

The charity reports in its annual Adoption Barometer that adoptees of all ages are being let down by services across the country, but teenagers are the worst affected.

According to the research, 29% of adopted young adults in England were not in education, employment or training (NEET) at the end of 2023, compared with a national average of 12%.

Nearly one quarter of adopted children were known to have harmed themselves or attempted to do during the same time period, and 75% of adopters felt it was a continuous battle to get the support their child’s needs.

Additionally, 38% of adoptive families in England are facing severe challenges or are at crisis point - an increase of 8% just one year. 

A lack of therapeutic support and declining support in accessing historical records were cited as two challenges.

Adoption UK has called for “urgent and dramatic improvement” of adoption services to support families and children. According to the research, only 1% of adoptive parents agree that statutory services have a good understanding of the needs of care experienced people. 

It is also calling for tailored support for teen adoptees and their families.

Adoption UK chief executive Emily Frith said: “When record numbers of families say they’re in crisis it's time to listen and to take urgent action. Adoption support must be reliable and accessible, especially at the toughest times, and mustn’t disappear when people turn 18. We must also fix the disconnect with other services such as mental health and education. Support for adoptees will be a litmus test of any future government’s commitment to all those who’ve had a difficult start in life.”

The charity also emphasises the importance of early intervention to build families’ confidence in services. Alongside specific help for teenagers, it is calling for the government to introduce permanent funding for adoption support, including a ring-fenced pot for crisis support in all four nations of the UK.


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