Southwark film hits back against knives and gangs culture

Alison Bennett
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Young people from Southwark have produced a hard-hitting film about knife crime and gang culture, as part of a project run by the London borough's youth offending team (YOT).

Postcode is drama showing that a young person’s fate is often tied up with their postcode.  

The film takes a hard look at crime, anti-social-behaviour, relationships, gangs and the consequences of carrying a knife.

It follows best friends Marcus and Gareth. One is a disaffected young man whose life is going nowhere fast, while the other is ambitious with aspirations for his future. Gareth is trying to encourage Marcus to get his life back on track when he is stabbed by a gang from a neighbouring postcode.

More than 20 young people were involved in making the film. Most are linked to the Southwark council's YOT, and some have knife crime convictions themselves.

Southwark councillor Paul Kyriacou, executive member for community safety, said: Legislation only goes so far in addressing these problems – what we need is for the whole community to take ownership of the issue. That’s why we’re working closely with young people, listening to their views, and asking them to help us find solutions.

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